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Heritage Consultancy Services
We provide heritage consultancy services and a range of archaeology and built heritage reports and field services to support your project or planning application.
Feasibility studies, Planning advice
- We provide feasibility studies at the pre-planning stage for potential development sites, highlighting high level constraints and opportunities in relation to heritage and archaeology. We can advise on the historic environment aspects of planning proposals.
Desk-based Assessments, Heritage Statements, Heritage Impact Assessments
- We provide a range of heritage reports, typically to support planning applications. Our reports are thoroughly researched and follow all relevant best practice and guidance. Reportsare tailored to the individual proposal, to offer a robust yet proportional response. We also undertake setting assessments in accordance with the Historic England guidance ‘The Setting of Heritage Assets’.
Environmental Statements, Environmental Impact Assessment
- We are experienced in undertaking Environmental Impact Assessments for the historic environment and preparing the relevant chapters for Environmental Statements, including any supporting information.
Written scheme of investigation
- A written scheme of investigation (WSI) is the document that sets out the method statement outlining the proposed programme of archaeological work and setting out how that will be implemented. We can provide a WSI for all types of archaeological work including archaeological investigations (trenching, geophysics), mitigation (excavation, watching brief), and building recording.
Commission and management of archaeological fieldwork
- We can commission and manage archaeological fieldwork on your behalf, to ensure that fieldwork is undertaken to the satisfaction of the local planning authority while being proportionate and meeting our client’s needs, expectations and timescales.
Building recording
- We can provide historic building recording in accordance with Historic England guidelines. This can be a simple photographic survey report, or a more detailed record. We would work with you and the relevant authorities to determine the needs of your project.
Expert witness
- Our lead consultant is an experienced expert witness, having provided evidence for a number of planning appeals, planning hearings, public inquiries and issue specific hearings, whether as oral evidence or through written representations. Find out more Expert Witness
Specialist training
- We can provide specialist training sessions relating to the historic environment, including training on archaeology and planning, and the historic environment and environmental impact assessment.
Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes
- Our specialist team are able to research, survey, interpret and assess the significance of all types of designed landscape, including gardens, parks, and cemeteries. We work with our clients to help shape and deliver historic landscape projects. Find out more Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes